Dear diary,

dear diary,

My life seems so messed up to me
Why can't my soul just be free
I'm bursting on the inside
crying and screaming
but on the outside
there sits a face full of lies

the fake smiles come easy
tears fade away
but the blood
forever drips
its path down my arm

My life is fucked up
for reasons unknown
maybe because i've had
problems at home

Mother always yells
step-dad has some issues
Anger boils
punches are thrown
when did little girls
become so alone

I'm smacked around
but the smiles still there
even with that lone tear
the abuse is too much
I run to my room

a razor behind a picture
no one will know
shiny metal on pale skin
crimson reds contrast so strong

My problems are many
my "friends" at school
they're as fake as my smile

I'm sitting here thinking
how i really want to die
the cuts will go deeper
the pain more defined

goodnight sweet diary
you are my haven
my true friends indeed
the next time you are read

it will be as evidence
everyone will know
this was my last goodbye
my farewell