Beautiful Death

The waves of silence
Flow throughout,
Night comes on,
Like the change of the tides,
My crying continues to go unheard.

Death is the one for me,
He hears my cries,
He comforts me,
Tells me to give it up,
Tells me it's not worth fighting,
That Death is the only way,
I never believed him,
Until now.

There's no one in this world,
That believes in me,
Trusts me, needs me,
No one in this world,
Cares for me.
There's only Death.

It might be a trick,
Just an illusion,
To get the fake trust,
Just to make me leave.

It can't be worse than this,
I will gladly leave it all behind,
No one's going to care.

The waves of silence,
Flow throughout,
Night comes on,
Like the change of the tides,
This is the last time,
That no one will hear my cries.

Death comes for me,
He's silent this time,
Coming up from behind,
With his hands on my shoulders,
And the waters of death,
Close over my head.

The world fades fast,
Drifting in peaceful Death,
The sigh of relief,
That escapes my lips,
And from all the people,
That didn't care,
The sigh of relief,
From this beautiful Death.