Still Your Best Friend

Hugs and conversations,
Don't cut if for me
You are my friend
But I don't want you to be

You come complaining,
When that girl says goodbye
I give you a shoulder to cry on
And grit out my lie

Go to her, I say
And give her something nice
She is sure to take you back
Just take my advice

Then you smile and pat me on the shoulder
You tell me how I'm such a great friend
That if I ever need you
You will be there for me till the end

I watch you walk away
Your confidence boosted
And I beat myself up
Because once again, I lose you

My heart is screaming for me to chase you
To stop you, to kiss you
To tell you how I feel
To tell you I don't want to be your friend anymore
That I want to be something much more

But I am scared
And that's why
I'm still your best friend