You Haunt Me

You haunt my dreams,
You awaken the nightmares,
I build up my wall,
I try and I try,
Every second you tear it down,
Every second I try not to cry,
I keep my thoughts away from you,
I still love you,
I hope you can't see,
Everytime I'm near you,
Everytime I think about you,
All the things I put you through,
I'm sorry for my weakness,
I'm sorry for my lies,
I can't even write this for you,
Without tears threatening to burst from my eyes,
Why you,
Why me,
Both of us blind to what the others see,
I hope you can forgive me,
I hope you aren't in the pain I am,
I think of the prayer i used to say,
I repeat now in my special way.
Now I lay me down to weep,
I pray not to see you in me sleep,
And if I do,
Suddenly may I wake,
My soul is yours,
My heart you may take,
I lay there and cry,
Alone in my room,
I can't help but think of you,
All the fun we had,
The sunshine on your face,
Now I can think of you,
My wall I may misplace,
I hope it'll come back,
When I start the day,
I hope I can stay away,
I hope I don't give this to you,
It'd give me away,
On I go to face another day,
I see with her my bestfriend in the world,
I smile and hope you two are happy,
I'd sell my soul,
Had I one anymore to give away,
Too keep you guys happy another day,
How was I so foolish,
Why did my heart not lead the way.
Oh well just another day,
You have fun,
I'll be ok,
Give me time so I won't stray.