A Girl

I'm a girl living in a man's world
Born with desire and wishful thinking
None of that matters anymore
Prone to stupidity
Marked as fragile
All of this matter's... come on!
Can't a girl have a little adventure?
No, you'll rip your dress
Can't a girl be wild?
No, you have to sit up straight
Don't talk to strangers,
Here I'll take you're hand
Walk around blindfolded
Brainwashed to society
A stepford wife

A girl with nothing but dreams
That will never come true
Blow out the candles but they'll
Order you not to eat the cake
What's life without determination?
All the petty discrimination's
Bringing me down

I won't stop
Even if there's nothing left to give
I won't give up
Unlike the rest of them
I've got hopes
For a better future
One where I don't have to pretend
Where I'm equal

I'm a girl living in a man's world
Too stubborn and carefree
To give a damn
You tell me what I should think
I tell you what I do think
You can't bring me down
Because I'm stronger than you'll ever know
Born with an attitude
That'll knock over a brick wall
You'll have to just stand tall
And deal

A girl with a fierce appetite for freedom
What freedom?
I'm locked away inside my own heart
You've thrown away the key
Though I've come up with a bail fee
So I won't be seeing you around

I will not become
The scum under you're shoes
Nor will I be walked all over
By your silly demands
I'm a girl with a free spirit
No one will ever catch me
Like a snake in the grass
I bite back
Don't even try
If you want to see another day

A girl with hopes and dreams
That will come true
Not just in my imagination...
Into your reality
I'm your walking nightmare
Get ready
Be prepared to fight
Though you'll lose

I'm a girl living in a man's world
Very brutal and brave
Swift like an eagle
Sly like a fox
Smart like a woman
Take me as I am
Because you'll never find
Another girl like me