
She’s fading into nothing
It is all swirling down the drain
Dreams, ideals
They are all she sees
Fading like mascara
That’s running down her face
Eyes watering
Fingers reaching into her empty mouth
Sends her soul swirling away

A face in a crowd
She tries to hide away
Fear, shame
Is all she feels
Hiding herself from the eyes of the world
That is constantly watching, judging
Shrouded by apathy
She swallows her words and hides away

A crack in the mirror
To split everything in half
Ugliness, imperfection
Is all she can see
Broken like her mind
And the body she tries to destroy
Constant aching
Mouth dry, thirsty and desperate
Just wanting to fade away

She’s sitting, all curled up
Eyes closed, water pouring over her
Burning, pure hatred
Is all she feels
For the person she is, and doesn’t want to be
So badly she wants to change
Overwhelmed by her hatred
she just wants to dissapear,
swirling down the drain...