All I Have To Say

Just stop,
Let me go,
Stop talking,
Stop asking,
Stop moving,
Just stop.

Let me escape,
Let me run away,
Just let me go.

I don't want to anymore,
I can't keep being this person,
Let me show you who I am,
Without being afraid
Of what your going to do.

All I feel is the pain,
Thats all I can feel anymore,
Let me go deal with it my own way,
I'm not like you,
Your way won't work for me,
Just let me go,
So I can deal with it my own way,
Without you making it worse.

You think you know but you don't,
You really don't,
You have no idea,
You're just making it worse,
Please just stop.

Please let me go,
I'm begging you,
Just stop.