Heart of this Undead

Tonight I will be cut open and bleed,

This is what I truly need,

Life for me will soon end,

Joining the ranks of the undead,

Where I will wander alone,

Eternally my soul will surely be damned,

For I was bitten before death,

However I can never feel love again,

There is just too much pain,

Love is just another word for hate,

Because loving someone hurts like hell,

When I rise up again my heart will be dead once more,

No longer would I have anyone to adore,

My cold black heart has been damaged one too many times,

This heart of mine can be mended no more,

Through time I will see,

What I used to be,

The sound of rain will fill my ears,

Rain will be all I have left,

Whenever I walk in the rain no one could see my tears,

Nobody could see any of my fears,

Wandering for eternity as one of the damned.