Sweet Nothings.

In time my face will fade.
In time my love will just be a memory.
My kiss will die from your lips.
and my heart will no longer whisper sweet 'I love yous'
I have become a ghost. A shadow of your thoughts.
Make me real again, I plead with you. Please.
But will you answer my call and make me whole again?
In time I said.
and now is that time.
But time came to quickly for me.
did it for you?
I cry each night, it is the only way to sleep.
To your face. Your voice in my ear. Your arms wrapped around me like I remember.
Make time go away. Make it disappear. I know you can do anything.
You made me fall in love with you. You took my heart. fixed it. and broke it. now fix it again.
I have become a ghost. A shadow in your beautiful thoughts.
Make me real again, I plead with you. Please.
Will you come to me if I call?