happy mood

the happy mood is here ,
few days at a time ...
then begins to fade , goes down hill from there
the happiness is behind , left with the sprit
spirt of cheer, the sadness is around the sadness is here
Want to leave with them ,, With the dying
But live life to the full , Becuase its not worth living too the little
so when your happy your happy, When your sad your sad ,,
so when your down and sad remmanis on the good times you had
Don't think of the sad or the bad ,
leave it behind the future is now the hapiness of the
dying sadness. Music may help friends may help parents not so much
there good for you realy parents are , you think they destroy what they touch,
But they don't there ok , Shame there not more than ok ,
Just plain Sadness , But it gets better..
Some days bad some days sad