This Sunshine

this sunshine
this sunshine is the most beautiful i have ever seen
have ever felt
have ever experienced

this sunshine is the most amazing thing thats ever happened to me
ever touched me
ever shined on me

this sunshine is indescribable
if you are not me, you can not know it
to be wraped in its warmth
to be kissed by its rays
to be iluminated by it

but night is coming
the night that awaits holds uncertainty
the only thing that is certain is that i will be separated from the sunshine
this sunshine that graces my face will fade
my life will be changed

so i'll wait
i'll wait for the sunshine
as it will wait for me
as the sunshine and i will be on oposite ends of this earth
i will be far away from its light
its warmth

i'll go through the night wondering
will the sunshine return?
will morning come?


the sunshine is too great
too amazing
too awesome
too stunning
too beautiful
too wonderful
too strong to never return

when the night is over, i will feel the sunshine once again