Untitled by ♥Tokio♥

Do you remember the thrill...
It came when you knew
Your best friend would die for you
And you'd do it in return
You got it with your first kiss
Felt it the first time you had sex
The feeling from when you discovered that one song
That fits you so perfectly
It can't be real, but it has to be
Tingles the first time you smoked pot
Your first drink
Your first Cigarette
The moment you realized you would protect them
No matter the cost
They are your life
Without them there is no you
That feeling there, that gives you the urge to live
That's it babe
The feeling that gives me shivers
That courses through my veins
Through the very air around me
When I hear the music
And read the words
When I touch your wings
And can taste your essence
Its the thrill I get
When I'm in your arms
Only with this feeling
do I ever feel safe
Because without it
I'm all alone.
