love and suicide go hand in hand

I want you...

The lies dripping from your lips

I need you...

The sweet nothings you fed me from day to day

I love you...

Three daggers being dug into my heart

I want to hold you...

I’m addicted

I want to kiss you...

I’m on top of the world

We need to talk...

Butterflies began to form in my stomach

As I pretend to be asleep after reading your text, you then delivered a text through my friends

Tell her I want to break up...

I went pale tears began to pour down my face

I want to be friends...

It’s seems that I’ve became best friends with this little silver razor since then...


That’s all I’m familiar with


That’s all I ever get


No longer, never again


My future

It’s funny how love and suicide seem to go hand in hand...