We The Humans

Teeth on skin.
Tear open.
Take time and murder me.
Slowly, Angrily.
Show no mercy.

Sick Bastard.
Take your hands off of me.
I'm just 10 years old.
Scared of you hovering over me.

Rushing blood.
Down my thighs.
Pushed against the wall.
Shredded clothes.
Scream of fire. Anguish of rape.

Slides down my throat.
Hurts like fire eating my lungs.
Buzz in my head.
Hand on his face.
Sirens take the alcoholic away.

Look at her.
Gorgeous face.
Nice body.
Want to rest my lips on hers.
My face hidden in shame.
The tales of a closeted lesbian.

Hot guy.
Some boy sex.
Gay by all the standards.
Trying not to smile at his face.
He smiles back.

Sister kiss me.
Silly girl.
Flirty, lust girl.
Touch my hair.
Kiss me harder.
They hung us for incest.

Slice my wrist.
Blood on the skin.
The pale, perfect porcelain.
Take me please.
Release me.
Suicide note on the door.

Set your skin on fire.
Set your clothes on fire too.
Burn down those babies.
You held in you for numerous moons.
Splash in some alcohol.
The arsenic ways of my father.

Break the glass.
Put my fingers around the jewels.
Pray for a few more seconds.
Cops surround me.
The theft of the little diamonds for my sweet little daughter.