Um... I Like You

Um... I like you,
My heart flickers with light,
When I read a message from you,
It feels a little special again,

My heart has been broken once,
And it hurt loads,
The pieces are nearly all picked up,
Next is the sticky session,

My heart looks a little happy,
The corners of it's mouth have risen,
Maybe one day,
That will be a smile again,

Bits go here and bits go there,
This sticking buisness can be fun,
But very mucky,
Glue all over the place,

It's like in a play school,
You have glue to stick on things to things,
And paper to make things,
Oh what a creative world we live in,

My heart will start beating again in rhythm,
One two, one two,
It's getting back to it's normal self,
All because of you,

I've known you for nearly 5 months now,
Isn't that amazing,
We've been friends for so long,
It's such a happy thought,

Now I have to ask,
Just one little question,
It's not much but here goes,
Do you like me to?.