I Try

I try to look towards the future
I try to hope for other's happiness
I try to pretend I'm happy
I try
And I try
Bit I can only try so hard
I get anrgy
And I hurt the people I love
I get upset
I say things I wish I didn't
I'm happy
And it's just a lie
I love
But I'm not sure if it's real
I hate
But I'm not sure if it's real
I'm lost
I'm confused
And there's no one to help me though
I'm alone
I'm scared
And there's no one to help me go on
I don't know what's real and what's not
I don't know if the feelings I feel are real or fake
I can't tell if these feelings are real anymore
I have no where to go
I have no one to go to
I don't know who I am
I don't know what's real
I don't know what's a lie
I don't know who to truest
I don't know what to do
Becuase now I'm confussed too
Because now I'm lost too
And there's nothing I can do.