Maybe If I Dont Believe

Maybe if i just try to believe that all in my head is wrong;
Everything will go away.
Maybe if just try to make it go away;
It will, and I wont lose my family.
Maybe if i just try to put up with my life another day;
It will grow into something beautiful.
Maybe if I just try to believe that he's not hurting me;
He'll stop.
Maybe if I tell my mom;
She will help me get better.
Maybe if I didn't go to high school;
I wouldn't be dying.
Maybe if I didn't do these things;
Nothing would be messed up right now.
Maybe if I tell myself i'm beautiful;
I will be.
Maybe if I tell myself i'm happy;
I won't be depressed like this.
Maybe if I just start telling myself no;
I'll stop.
Maybe if I told you what was really going on;
You wouldn't think i'm okay, and maybe you would come here and help me.
Or maybe you would give me a bus ticket to you.