You slowly killed me.

How come you hurt me?
Just tell me why.
Tell me why you let me cry.
Watched me as I die,
having no life.
Hurting Horribly,
with sparkling blackened tears.
You let me cry,
You watched me die.
You never stopped me,
from hurting myself.
It was like commeting suicide.
Now I'm scared,
mentally and emotionally.
I set myself aside,
away from everyone else.
You took away my happiness,
my smile and brought tears.
So even if im happy again,
I know I'll get too scared.
So now I can't have a boyfriend,
because I know I'll get hurt,
worse and worse.
I hide myself away,
because I think I'll be hurt again.
You made me afraid,
made me want to die.
So just tell me,
Why'd you hurt me,
So baddly?