That Perfect Shade of Punk

When I look in the mirror, I don't see what I feel
I look at myself & i just wanna kill
I wanna come out and show my true colors
But my friends make me follow others
I wanna show people the real me
But that's not what my friends wanna see
But I want to show who I really am

If you could see behind the glitter and the glam
You could see who I really am
The outside is not who I want to see
The Insides the person who i want to be
But my friends make me hide it
'Cause all of them deny it
That the inside, the inside's the real me

I wanna wear chains and black shirts
Not frills and pink skirts
I'm tired of living life like I'm a slave
I wanna live life my own way
My friends say it's unacceptable
But I tell them "To HELL with you all"

I'm back in reality
I have my own personality
I feel like myself
And i'm not in hell
I'm finally who I want to be
I am my own me

I threw out the glitter and the glam
Now you can see who I really am
People see who I want them to see
Now I can be who I wanna be
Now the Outside, the outside's the real me

When I look in the mirror
I love what i see