See, I Can Hurt Too.

You tore me down.
With just a simple sentence.
So why are you so happy?
I see you.
Laughing and smiling.
I see you hug her…
And even though I told myself it will all be okay…It still tears at my heart.
You think I don’t care.
That I never cared.
That I am just some cruel, heartless bitch who only used you for my own personal gain.
But if that were true,
If any of it was true…
I wouldn’t be crying.
I wouldn’t feel that sickening, low feeling in my stomach when I see you…
I don’t want to cry over you…but its just so hard…
People say “There are other fish in the sea”
…the only problem is it’s hard to swim when you’ve been on land for so long…
And once you’ve been pushed in headfirst…you cant help but drown…
Even your best friend keeps telling me
“He’s just a boy.”
You’re just a boy…
…That is true…you are just a boy
…..But for so long you were the boy.
You were my boy.
The one that I loved…
The one I thought would never be capable of knocking me down so far…
Being strong isn’t easy…
But I’m trying.
And I’m surviving.
And in time…
You will be just another boy.
♠ ♠ ♠