My Day Has Come.

Men are pigs.
Sitting around
Chatting like they have something important to say.
When in reality even they don’t know what they’re talking about half the time.
Always making decisions that will somehow better everything and everyone.
They expect us to be so polite and well-mannered.
Even as children we are taught to be quiet.
To never open our mouths and only so if we are spoken to.
We are told we are better seen and not heard.
Well I am tired of it.
I have plenty of grand ideas that I could contribute.
Some even better then a mans.
Just because I am a woman does not mean I am restricted of intelligence.
I can speak, can I not?
I can think, can I not?
Then why on God’s green earth can I not?
Do not restrict me, sir, of my rights and my talents.
For I will be pushed into the background no longer.
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