High School Never Ends

This is for the jocks
Who won every game
This is for the preps
Who are still now the same

This is for the outcasts
Who never got to play
This is for the drama-fans
Who had their every say

This is for seniors
In hopes that they will live on
This is for the fresh man's
In hopes of breaking a new dawn

This is for the cheerleaders
Who laugh and have all the fun
This is for the science nerds
Who get up to see the sun

This is for the janitor
Who complains but loves this job
This is for the principal
Who got a terrible bob

This is for the teachers
Bald and comb over's alike
This is for the custodians
That go to the lounge and watch Spike

High school comes to town
And it never seems to end
It will live on
And taunt your thoughts ahead...