A new beginning.

I give you my heart && ask you to fix it
While I'm passed out on the kitchen floor.
Dial-tone in one hand and hope in the other.
I want you to be the one to keep me together.

You're always smiling; laughing; Always on my mind.
Taking people for granted was always a gift of mine.
But ever since I've met you...

No sky has been bluer.
No grass has shone so green.
No feelings have been stronger;
Than the ones I get when it's you && me.

I give you my heart && hope you'll fix it
While I'm off walking forgotten streets.
A new start on my left && old paths on my right.
I want you to be the one always by my side.

You're always singing; dancing; Always staying true.
And I just want to let you know how much I love you
An ever since we met...

No sky has been bluer.
No grass has shone so green.
No feelings have been stronger;
Than the ones I get when you're with me.