no title cuz i cant think of one

Maybe I’m me, or maybe I’m not.
Sometimes I just think that I’ve forgot.
I’m misunderstood, though you may not understand,
Was it me that you fell in love with?
Or just the person I am?

Maybe I’m different, and sometimes just weird,
Is that why you love me? Or is it just fake?
The way you say you love me is just so hard to take.
I know it’s be being just oh so insecure,
But maybe you don’t love me, like I think you do.
Or maybe you do, and it’s me acting like a fool.

I don’t know who I am; I think I’ve lost sight,
I’m tired, and weary, please let’s try not to fight.
I need a reminder, and not like the one you say,
Telling me I act like you, everyday.

Maybe I’ve changed, but is it for the better?
Sometimes I wonder, how life would have been,
If I’d have not changed, and stayed the same.
Would I be as happy? Would I have still been really lame?

I like the new me. Is that too hard to understand?
Maybe it’s a by-product of this hard to follow land.
The need to belong, to feel accepted at that,
Maybe to hide my insecurities I should just wear a hat?

I don’t know how to stand up for myself
I don’t see how anyone puts up with me, I’m insecure and clingy.
Maybe that’s why I’m so annoying? Or maybe, that’s just who I am?
That’s the one thing I don’t know, but this one thing I do,
For now and always, I Love you.