Taking our Eternity

Feels like Im only just beginning to know you
Seems like I only live for these moments
When you turn and look in my eyes
I see how happy you have been

Seems like I perished every day
Feels like I died under your control
When you turn and slam the door
I see how empty you have been

Taking an eternity to find my first breath
Numbing feelings surround an unpleasant death
Like the bullets placed in a gun
Or the sunset upon the hills <Chorus
Each exists for a purpose
Which is it to be?

There’s nobody inside to save you from yourself
Look into the abyss with envy
Can you still cope with this?
When can you be who you strive for?

Stay inside you’re built up little lies
Keeping you safe no where to hide
Seems like you’ll never let me back inside


Will you ever take me back?
My heart still full of love
Grant me one last chance
To show you’re the one

Will I ever return from death?
Come back as another
Up high with the angels above
Or burn in the fires of hell?

So much unseen for you and me
A chance for happiness this time
Till it crumbles in the dust of stone
I’ll always be there
If you’re always mine

All lyrics By Travis Turlej

Copyright 2008-07-13