Good-Bye To You

You left us so suddenly
But it was the way you chose to go
The pain still resides deep in me
And it hurts more than anyone knows
You were my best friend although
I never payed you very much mind
I was too caught up in my own life
To learn to read between the lines
I'm sorry you left the way you did
I'm sorry I wasn't there enough for you
My world seems to be falling apart
And I'm stuck knowing the bitter truth.
I'm partially to blame for your death
I am a bit responsible for your self-inflicted demise
I stood by, in a daze, worrying over myself
Instead of helping you with the bullying in your life
I didn't want to believe what the idiots told me
That you'd cracked and committed suicide
But then I realised it was true.
So this is my final good-bye