Don't You Forget About Me

Two long years he’d gone away
Leaving her alone
Promising to come back soon
Then make a family, home
And all she said before left he
“Baby, please don’t forget me.”

War tore through the streets but still
Each day to her he wrote
Reassuring, comforting words
But her letters always were short
Ending, with a steady beat
“Baby, please don’t forget me.”

His two years of service came and went
But he reenrolled and stayed
And the letters stopped coming for her
For them to come again, she prayed
And still she kept on writing, even if death he could not cheat
“Baby, please don’t forget me.”

They laid her lover in the ground
Killed in action, read his stone
And a single tear fell down her face
For now she was forever alone
She placed a letter on his grave, beneath the cherry tree
“Baby, why’d you forget about me?”