Cloudy Night

Once there was,
A cloudy night,
Moon still shone,
Full and bright,
No one in sight,

Just one,
Sad girl,
Afraid to cry,
Scares on er arms,
Head held high,
Yet broken inside.

Crisp black sky,
Cold purple clouds,
Dark blue river,
Big icy moon,
Above dark mountain tops,
Beauty shone,
Like at God’s throne,
Breeze singing like a harp.

One sad girl,
Brave and strong,
Happy and smart,
Sadly though,
Confused and scared,
She feels,
Worthless and alone,
Stupid and afraid.

Up upon a cliff,
Oh so high,
Beauty shone,
Up in the sky,
Moon peaking out,
A sleepy eye,
as it,
Sat lazily on top,
A mountain rock,
Seeing it’s reflection,
In the deep,
Cold and beautiful waters,
A cloudy Blanket,
Tucked the moon in,
Slight cool breeze,
Caressed the moon’s face,
As it lulled him to sleep,
With love’s embrace.

Then far off,
On a cliff up high,
One lonely girl,
Looked out with a sigh,
Long wavy hair,
One inch past thigh,
Brown yet almost black.
Flew behind her back,
Deep and sad,
Dark blue eyes,
One slight smile,
On full red lips,
A sadness,
Not to be compared,
Shone threw,
Her broken heart,
Shattered soul,
Crumpled spirit,
Abused mind,
And fallen dreams,
Beauty and shame,
Warmth and blame,
Kind and insane.

The scene,
Stood before her,
Like a throne room,
As she hung,
There in the balance,

Between that of,
Life and of,

One high cliff,
Led to one,
Magnificent drop.

One narrow path,
Led to one,
Humble mask,
Where no one,
Could see without,
A great task.

She knew her choice,
She made up her mind,
And she smiled,
For that cloudy night,
She would jump,
Into the arms of freedom.

She spread her arms,
Ready to fly,
Open and wide,
No need to cry,
She took a step,
Then a leap,
And she laughed,
As she sang a,
Whispered Good-Bye,
For she knew that,
Her wounds would,
Never heal,
For you would just,
Open them again.

That night,
As she flew down the,
Mighty cliff top,
She saw the moon,
And peace,
Hit her like a wave,
As she sailed down to her grave.

That night,
Threw the moons,
Lazy slumber,
One beautiful,
Soul was lost,
A peaceful breeze,
Echoed her laughing farewell,
And carried her broken smile.

And now I stand,
Dressed in black,
And read the tombstone flat,
For it says,

“One sad heart
We lost that day.
Courage shone
we all must say.
The moon watched
with stricken heart
and the breeze
still carries a farewell.
For after a while
you broke her smile
as you killed her
deep inside.
And as she died
she cried to
only the moon
on that
cloudy night.”

You laugh at,
What they wrote cause ,
They all got it so wrong,
And you walk away,
A person a new,
For you visited your grave,
For you were able to save,
The mask,
With some what,
Of a great task,
On that beautiful,
Cloudy Night.

Faith Crowe