What You Don't Know

You'll never guess,
The most weirdest things about me,
Because even though you may think so,
You don't know that much about me.

You don't know how much I hate thunderstorms,
And how I like to stare.
How I sing in the shower,
And that I sleep with a teddy bear.

You don't know how I like to scream for no reason,
And how I like to look up at the stars,
That I sometimes talk in my sleep at night,
And like to run into parked cars.

You don't know how crazy I am,
When you're not around,
Because when you're right by me,
I barely make a single sound.

You don't know how much I hate the color pink,
And how I despise preppy clothes,
But what you really don't know,
Is how Ihate my teeth and my toes.

You don't know how much I dream of you and your eyes,
And how much I think of you.
You don't know how much you mean to me,
And how much I love you.

You see, you don't know all,
But at least you know the little things about me.
I wish you knew how cute I think you are,
And how I will never ever leave.