
The neverending love of the ever deepening heart. Each day goes by and the heart gets deeper. The thoughts travel crazily within my brain, my body worthless to help. I want to help. If all it is, is a hug to make you smile. How can you be so strong? Even in the face of disaster and dispair, your not afraid to smile. Your not afraid to tell. My heart breaks each day for you. I dont know how to say it. Your love is sick and injured and your thoughts always on her. Admirable. I want so much to help, to see a smile on your face. I don't care what it takes, tell me. I want to help. Your heart is shown to me everyday I see you, everytime I talk to you. You smile you laugh. Even though your heart is crying. I see it, I feel it. Can you feel my heart breaking for you? Can you see the desire to help to see you smile. To see you happy and far from the hurt you are enduring now? The hurt that you stand so strong against? You are strong, your heart is strong. Everyday my heart breaks, everyday I fall more in love with you. All I want is for you to be happy. Let me know, how I can help. I will serve without complaint. Please, just to see you smile, just to see you happy, with the one you love in your arms. That is all I desire. I don't always know what to say, to ease your distress but I try my best.