I'm Me, Not What You Planned Me To Be

Gee, what a disgrace I must be to you.
Sorry mom and dad, that's the way I was born.
You planned for me to be the best, your proud daughter to look upon...
Well think again. I'm not that child no more.
Sorry to break your little hearts this way.
But I'm just here, flattered to say:
I'm who I want to be. Nothing and No one will change ME!
I don't want no doctors or therapist checking me.
You guys always wanted the best for me,
Maybe I'm spoiled in a way I can't explain and notice much,
But I don't want to be the pre-tend child you've looked upon.
So many years of hiding the real me
Not caring anymore and deciding to be free.
Now that I hold my head high,
You put yours down,
What a shame--am I?
Oh well, that's at least you and not me.
I never wanted to be no "Oh our child this", "Our child that"
Never did I get to express the hidden feelings I swelled inside
For many years, now they've exploded
Like a bomb in Iraq's war booming about now.
Really, did you think I'd last that way?
Please! Give me a break!
I've shown you I don't care anymore.
Not about you or any other one.
I'm myself, get the point?
I'm no longer your slave or puppet to munipulate so,
Leave me alone. i don't want to hear it.
Your shouts and yells, just quit it!
I'm sick and tired or you treating me like shit,
Go away, leave me alone. I don't want to cry again.
Sigh. I like loud music, so what?
I don't like your fugly cumbia shit to give a simple listen.
Yes, I've cussed. Who gives a damn care?
Not like the world will all die, everyone says it somewhere.
I wonder, sometimes I really do.
What would it be like if i never had you?
What would freedom taste besides the one I'm developing?
What would my life be like if i really gave no damn care?
Surely, not so good. So what the hell?
I'm not like you planned or would have expected,
There's no going back now,
and you know what?
I give no damn about it.