Good Riddance

Why’d you have to die?
Why’d you have you have to pick up that gun?
And bring it up to your head…

I thought I made you happy,
You said I gave you light,
But I guess that was lie,
Since you committed suicide out there in the dark,
On that rainy night

I try not to cry,
But the tears don’t want to stop,
They trickle down,
Pooling on the letter on my desk,

I still love you, the letter says,
I’m sorry, you wrote,
Before your sudden death,

Did I let you down?
Did I push you to the edge?
Is it my fault your under the dirt?
Is it my fault you’ll never breathe again?

It would be so easy,
To follow you into shadows,
I don’t know what lies in death’s wings,
But it’s better than black of unknowing,

I can’t do it,
Slid this blade across my skin,
I’ve let you down once,
I’ve let you down twice,
Let’s not make it a third,

I run from room,
Outside it’s storming,
At first I feel nothing,
Only the cold, thrashing wind

The rain soaks down me,
Drenching me to the core,
I spread my arms,
And slowly spin around,
I start to laugh, breaking the silence of night,
I spin faster and faster,
Before slipping and falling,
But instead of getting up,
I stay down,
Feeling the raindrops kiss my skin,

The rain is washing you out,
Erasing the pain,
Giving me a happiness that can only find,
After the darkest hour of night,

“Good riddance, goodbye, “ I say,
And throw back my head to laugh.