Not As It Seems

Life behind a mas is much different then you think,
It's pain and misery and maybe a couple of alcoholic drinks.
I thought like you did before i met him,
The boy of my dreams,
i figured out quick, things were not as they seemed.
His smile was small,
His eyes were bright.
He was tall,
Filled with light.
I talked to him,
He talked to me,
His words were short, thats how he wanted them to be.
He told of a story,
I young boys fame and glory.
He told me of his dad,
What he did when he got mad.
Then of his mom,
how she always drank.
It wasn't long before he did too.
He showed me a bruise on his right leg,
the he showed me the scar on the back of his head.
Abuse was the word and trust was slowly fading.
He smiled at me,
He said it small,
Though his voice was not.
"Thanks for listening,
But i know thats not why you talked."
He looked down,
"Would you like to take a walk?"
i kindly took his offer.
So me and him are still friends today,
And never has he looked another way.
We talk,
We laugh,
We cry and hug,
but we also love, and kiss and hold eachother, warm and snug.
So you see,
Things are not always as they seem to be.
A boy that seemed so go getting and happy,
turned out to be broken and dead inside.
Until we found eachother,
He thought about taking his life.
i love him more than words can say,
And i will, till i die on my last day.