I Hate You

I hate you.

I hate the way you annoy.

i hate the way you talk.

I hate that you don't know when to stop.

And if this is all so, why do I keep coming back?

I hate all these things for a fact but I keep coming back.

I hate the way you yell over others.

how you never listen to anyone else's point of view.

I hate how you never give anyone a chance to show that their really like you.

Not every person with a tat. is bad, dad.

Not everyone with a piercing is going to do me or you wrong!

And though ALL of these things show true.

I am still attached to you.

You yell and scream that bro and I are incompetent.

That everything we do is wrong and that you are the only person that does ANYTHING in the household worth a compliment!

But still...

I cannot leave.

Is it because I know the consequences of such acts?

Or because

There is apart of me,

DEEP down,

that still


loves you.