
World of pain across my wrist,
love of pain and painful bliss,
hearts are broken,
wrists are cut,
you look at me as if you don't give a fuck.
you told me that i needed to say goodbye,
you said that us i shouldn't miss.
yet here i am,
wrists cut clean,
blood stains my denim jeans.
tears roll down my lifeless cheeks,
to me, your soft voice speaks.
you shout my name,
grab my wrists,
hold me close as you give a kiss.
my eyes are closing,
as you cry aloud,
"Don't leave me,
to live without you, i don't know how."
as the blood stops rushing,
we realize,
the cuts weren't deep enough,
for permanently closed eyes.
you smile at me,
"I love you can't you see?"
i look up at you,
"Of course i do,
but i don't love you."
you stare at me tears filling your eyes,
as i start to rise.
i stare at you,
your painfilled expression,
i loved you once,
but then you gave the wrong impression.
i turn to leave as you grab my hand,
"Pleasse, can't we still be friends?"
i smile at you, my young friend,
"i wish we could,
but the answer is no, this just has to end."
i push your black hair from your face,
"We can no longer run this race."
i stare at you,
wanting not to say goodbye,
i don't smile,
knowing it would not be smart to do.
i turn to leave,
this time permanently.
as i walk out the door,
i turn to see my once good friend,
the one whom i used to adore.
now, the pain is gone,
and i am done.
it's time to go,
for we have had out fun.
i am sorry, but it's time for me to leave.
let it be in peace.
i loved you once and i love you now,
but to love, you don't know how.