Phone booth

As night time seemed to fill the sky,
I said good morning to a guy
who limped and hobbled his way down the hall
a thin narrow way not made for the tall.
He grinned at me with a lopsided smile,
and told me to spin the clockwise dial.
as I spun it around
counterclockwise and smooth,
I realized my time was up in the booth.
so I hung up the phone and looked you in the eye,
and realized again
that I was the guy.

I spoke in a riddle
I could read your mind,
you saw what was coming,
but you didn't lie.
I asked you your name,
you showed it to me;
though you didn't speak,
it was clear as could be.

The sense that i'm making,
can't be much as so;
so I'll just end now,
so that everyone knows.
That day in the phone booth,
you asked for my name...
but I'm just not real...
so you