My Shiny Toy Acrobat

My toy acrobat is shinier than the rest.
Not only outside, but inside it's the best.
How beautiful, how pure.
It's dear to me;
It's words are my broken soul's cure.

I see him swing on a trapeze,
With inhuman ease.
Back and forth he swings.
Far over my head he preforms.
"Do not worry; do not fear", his angelic voice sings.

He flips and twirls with greatest ease,
Far above on his trapeze.
With each trick, my heart lurches.
Be careful my lovely toy acrobat.

He preformed like a dream;
But suddenly, he let forth a sickening scream.
He fell towards the ground.
Oh, how quickly did my heart pound?
With a terribly crack,
There lay my broken, bloody, dead but lovely, shiny toy acrobat.