
Falling out of the sky around me
Trying to get out but I lost the key
Fragile little dancer now
Trying to fly but I guess I don't know how

Tangled in a spider's web I
Rip and tear but somehow keep on drowning
Living lies to help me sleep
Yeah, I know I like to make the holes deep

Turning up the music so loud
So loud I can not hear myself think

Black tainted roses
sign of death
Don't have time
I've got to rest
"lies" written on my forehead
Makes me want to cry in bed
cause of what you said

I feel like I'm in a nightmare
misery and I seem to make a pair
Both lives of despair

Trying hard to stay awake if
I drift away I become fake
for goodness sake

Turning up the music so loud
So loud I can not hear myself think

Black tainted roses
sign of death
Don't have time
I've got to rest
"lies" written on my forehead
Makes me want to cry in bed
cause of what you said

I know
I'm not perfect
So why buy me?
I'm not worth it

Black tainted roses
sign of death
Don't have time
I've got to rest
"lies" written on my forehead
Makes me want to cry in bed
cause of what you said

Chelsea Desiree Ray-Dye

Copyright ©2006 Chelsea Desiree Ray-Dye