Take Your Anger Out On Me

Take your anger out on me
it can't be much worse, than what
i've already done to myself

Take your passion out on me
it's the only way
I'll ever see it, anyway

Take your pain out on me
it can't hurt much more
than I already hurt

Take your frustration out on me
it's so much simpler
than what I already see

Take your hatred out on me
it can't be deeper
than what I feel for myself, already

Take all your emotions out on me
it's not as if
I have too many of my own, to deal with

Fuck me over again
you can't say anything
worse than what I'm thinking

Forget me, now
coz I've already
forgotten who I am

Waste your tears on me,
you can't waste more
than I've wasted on you

Take your anger out on me,
Because it can't amount
To all I've seen...