Internet Royalty

As I got closer to him,
my breathing cut short.
I couldn't believe this was really happening.

I was next in line, and his beautiful eyes met mine.
I gave the woman the camara,
and I put my head close.

I could smell his hair, a fruity aroma.
I gave a big smile,
as the camera flashed.

I handed him my purse,
and asked him to sign,
with his beautiful hand.

He handed it back to me, and smiled,
I said thank you,
and started to turn.

"Wait," I told myself.
I turned around, and told him I loved him.
He gave me his all-famous smirk, and said, "Thank you!"

I waited for my friend,
to get her turn in the light,
to be two inches away from someone we loved.

Later that night,
we watched his concert,
and screamed back every word he sang to us.

We couldn't believe this was really happening,
how we got to be so lucky
and meet the all famous, all around amazing..Jeffree Star.