tv is our new god

This statement is more true than you could ever believe. TV is our new God, TV supplies us with everything we ever needed or ever will.
Now think of the meaning of God;
To give a sense of direction, belonging, unity and the feeling of there being something more.

TV will bring you all of these for absolutely free!

TV will tell you what direction to go, what to believe in, because who can say otherwise?
TV tells you there is a war raging in Iraq, you have nothing to say it isn't. But it's up to TV to decide what's real or not in your life, whether you like it or not.

Belonging will come with TV, TV gives you what you want. You're so utterly brainwashed by what you are told to watch out for, etc. by news programs that you don't even notice it. I know I now sound like a balding, crazy old lady with far too many cats, but think about it.

TV tells you something about social life that you know nothing on, what do you do? You trust your TV.
TV tells you that Socialists are tearing apart our economy with their leftist and extremist ideas, are you gonna want to belong with them now?
No, of course not, you'd much prefer to be with the sane, those that watch the world unfurl before them for a couple of hours a night.

Now, I will give you a couple of examples of our wonderful Lord's work.
The year is 2000, the country America, the person George. W. Bush.
The election is coming around the corner and the Republicans are using their usual tactics to gain entrance to the White House yet again.
On the night of the voting, FOX Media released a statement:
George W. Bush Wins Election!
This was quite the oppisite. The counting of the votes had not been completed, let alone released.

But FOX decided the counting HAD been completed, FOX decided they knew who was best for everyone.
While George Bush lost in states such as Florida by thousands, even after their effective "De-Enabling" campaign of not allowing up to 30% of the African American population of the state to vote against him.
But the news was already out there and who can stop it there?
America all of a sudden changed it's mind, it didn't matter who was voted in anymore, because George is here!

I cannot believe how utterly brainwashed people can be. No one stood and said "hey, wait a minute", because people didn't find out for a good while afterwards.

Another example;
Mid to late 2006, country; Australia, topic; North Korea.


News stories all over Australia where filled with this message.
Supposedly, the mighty nation of North Korea (Our commie enemies) had developed Nuclear missiles. We where all to fear and get ready for the end!
This was hyped and hyped and hyped, we where shown footage of heavily guarded North Korean research stations and the Nuclear Testing site.
Then, boom, it was gone.
The story, the threat and anything to do with the topic.

North Korea had bombs?
What are you talking about?!

Media lost it's interest in the Nuclear Apocalypse and moved on. Without a word, this threat slipped from our mind completely.

My Point, all in all, is that TV is our God now.
A God that is being controlled by various rich and conservative men, which is definately not a good thing.

What can we do?
It's not like you can kill God.

You can't stop listening to God, you can't destroy his body or just push him to the side.

But what you can do is destroy his medium, TV.