
So why didn't you keep your promise?
I havn't seen you since what seems like forever.
And everyone wonders why I can't trust them.
It's not like I can tell them it's because I trusted you.
You made everything so hard for me.
I could think of nothing but you for months.
And you know what?
I still do.
But not in the same way.
I no longer see you as "the guy who shattered my heart and hopes"
I see you as everyone else sees you.
I hope you relize that when I said that
"If you wanna leave, I'm not going to stop you,
I refuse to be the one holding you back from anything,
but when you come back, don't expect me to be here"
I meant it.
I admit, yeah I stood there for almost 7 months.
You never came back.
And not once did you as much as glance back.
I just wanted to let you know I'm happy now.
Without you or any of your bullshit.
Because I don't need you