Ready To Get Going

I'm ready to go
i got the things i need
write a note for them so they don't worry
i open the front door
take a deep breathe
close the door behind me
and start my journey.

Away from my parents
away from everything
I couldn't take it anymore
neck and neck 24/7
yelling, screaming, and much more

I couldn't breathe
smoke everywhere i look
cigarettes discarded all over the floor
deep breathes hurt
I'm suffocating in my own home

not sure where im going
but im going
ive got to get out
anywhere is better than here
friends and family have told me to live with them
but im not sure which offer to take
you raised me well and im sure ill get along fine

I'm making a break for it
don't wait up for me
I'll be fine on my own
I'll find another family to take care of me
I'll never forget you
Mommy, Daddy, i love you
For now...