I Tried

You wake up in your room
As I cry and hug you
Why couldn't you take it?
Why shove me away?
You blame me, saying it's all my fault.
You say it like I made you bleed
Like I held the knife
That took your life

Your parents were drunk
You were beaten and abused
You say it's all my fault
Like I shoved the alcohol down their throats
You say it's my fault
That you're barely alive

I prayed for you
I cried!
Now I storm away
You refused my love
And abandoned my care

Was I not your best friend?
Wasn't I your twin?
I felt your pain
But you let our closeness die

You'd stolen a letter opener
A few months back
With it you made the marks, two to start it
Then you told me your troubles
I helped you through it
Or at least I seemed to

Did I do something wrong?
Was my help meaningless?
You denied my care and denied my comfort
I returned the gesture in spite
And as I left the room
You picked up the little knife again

You made more marks than before
Staning your sheets with natural dye
You lay dead on your red sheets
I'm sorry, I tried to help you
This wasn't my fault