
Love is strong
But hate can be stronger
You may love someone forever
But you may hate them longer
Maybe they hurt you
Maybe they have not
But with the sins and the lies
The truth isn’t there a lot
Jealousy and anger are there too
Many fight occur but peaceful days are too few
You love them, you hate them
An unsigned letter to myself I would send
To imagine the love
And disown the hate
It’s the little things in life we usually don’t appreciate
A simple hug
A friendly kiss
Why when the ones we love are gone those are the things we miss
Then we move on and soon the love for the missing is gone
Soon it is replaced by hate
Hate for yourself for letting them go
Hate for not saying the things you wish they would know
The love and the hate soon begin to grow
Love and hate are pretty much the same
But the question is
Do you hate just so you have love to gain?