I'm sorry

I’m sorry mommy.

I’m sorry I don’t like the things you do.

I’m sorry I don’t do the things you want me to do.

At this time to myself I have to be true.

To me and to you.

I’m not the same, I’m far from it.

It’ll be years before I reach your trusting summit.

It’s obvious we're different in more ways than one.

I feel our bitter fighting has only just begun.

I’m not going to listen; I’m not going to care.

And as this world turns all you can do is stare.

I’m sorry I don’t like the things you do.

I’m sorry I don’t do the things you want me to do.

At this time to myself I have to be true.

I’m sorry mommy for all the bad things I do.

I’m sorry mommy it’s just I don’t trust you.

I don’t trust you with my dreams, in my memories all I hear are screams.

Wicked word, hateful phrases, do you really know what kind of hell that raises?

I’m not your little baby, somewhere deep down inside my maybe.

Maybe I trust you, most likely I don’t,

My trust is hard to get and easy to lose.

Why do you think I’m so careful to choose?

I’m sorry that’s all I can say you probably think this is some kind of game.

I’m sorry for all the bad things that I do.

But the truth is mommy I will NEVER trust you.