The Struggle

An open window, a locked door
A bullet shot wall, a paint splatter floor

So many choices, so many mistakes
She stumbles to the ground as the world around her shakes

Such a small child
So timid and frightened

If only she had an angel who would make her world a little more lightened

The sparrow inside her soul sings
It tries to get out but it has a small broken wing

She’s brought up in a world
Where she has to grow-up fast

Where people live for the future
And forget the past

Until one day the door finally unlocks

And her fragile ears are met with the dinging of the old grandfather clock

Time is running out
She must break free

The bright, warm sun on the horizon I what she’s always dreamed to see

So little choices, so many mistakes
She runs for the exit as the world around her for the final time shakes

In the warm sunlight the now strong sparrow sings, as she fly’s away with two very powerful wings