She Got What She Wanted

She’s sat there thinking of all the bad things that you made her feel,
As the blade gets deeper and deeper she thinks more and more,
She knows it’s bad she can feel the pain,
But after what she’s been through she doesn’t care,
People know her secrets now...No Longer Secrets huh she thinks to herself
They use them against her just so she feels the pain that night again,
Do they know what there doing to her?

One night in the future she’s sat there yet again but this time she is too deep,
Too deep into Thought,
Blood dribbles down her arm and onto the blush carpet,
After a wile the carpet is no longer blush but blood red with her laid over it,
Catching her breath realising what she’s done she takes her last breath and that’s the end,
The end of all the pain they put her through,
The pain she felt every night finally Gone

She got what she wanted,
Didnt she?