This is the last time, I promise.

This is the last time, I promise.
This is the last time I plaster on the fake smile.
This is the last time I wake up not knowing where I am.
This is the last time I let them harm me.
This is the last time I put this cigarette to my lips.
This is the last time I cut away the pain.
This is the last time I cry over him.
This is the last time I purposely miss meals.
This is the last time I backstab a friend.
This is the last time I push that needle of toxins into my flesh.
This is the last time I put that knife in my pocket with intent of harm.
This is the last time I listen to the voice in my head which insults my appearance.
This is the last time I fall for their plan to lure me in.
This is the last time I change myself to try and fit in.
This is the last time I skip class.
This is the last time I wish myself dead.
This is the last time I put myself down.
This is the last time I copy her work.
This is the last time I exaggerate the truth.
This is the last time I insult her just because she looks different and likes other things.
This is the last time I accept those pills knowing full well the effects.
This is the last time I accept that ride home with strangers.
This is the last time I disobey my parents, when all they try to do is protect me.
This is the last time I tell myself it’s the last time.
This is the last time, I promise