Silent good-byes

Silent Good-byes
By: Hannah Snell

Passing in the hall, walking right by;
Not even saying 'hello' or a simple 'hi.'
As the hours pass, and the day fades away;
both are speechless, with nothing left to say.

One wants to say something, anything at all;
but before something is said, the other has a call.
Down the steps she goes, leaving him there alone;
all because of a simple ring, of her little phone.

Questions flood his mind, making him wince;
could he still find a way, to be her special prince?
Out in the front, as he waits for his ride;
he sees her sitting, by the road's side.

He looks for her friends, before rushing to her aid;
only to find her crying, as her spirit began to fade.
He dried her tears, and hugged her close;
and whispered nice things to her, that would always mean the most.

She looked in his eyes, with no more tears to cry;
sniffling her sad sobs away, as her woes began to die.
Her hand in his, she held it tight;
not wanting tp lose him, in their flight.

She told him her woes, and he gave his kind words;
saying 'Nothing was more beautiful than her, not even the birds.'
She smiled, knowing his care;
and giggled, as he played with her hair.

They talked until his ride came, and he had to go;
but he asked if she needed a ride, but she replied a simple 'No.'
He nodded and got in his car, waving to her goodbye;
she waved, but heaved a deep, and pained, sigh.

If only he knew, what fate had in store;
he wouldnt have let her walk alone, to her front door.
That night, all he could see was her beautiful face;
so beautiful, its radiance could reach into space.

The next day, she was nowhere to be found;
and her friends didnt utter a sound.
Sadness had filled the building, and he didnt know why;
until he went to her home and found some strange guy.

Her parents were in hysterics, with the news the man had brought;
it was so terrible, much worse than he thought.
She had been found in a garbage bag, by the street;
with no hands, or feet.

She was a victom of a mass murder, and had been snatched before she turned the corner;
and had been hacked to pieces by a murdering mourner.
He burst to tears, knowing he could have prevented her death;
if only he persisted she took the ride he offered.

At her funeral, before her casket was lowered underground;
he placed his hands in his pockets, uttering a small sound.
He pulled out a black rose, and said one last good-bye;
as he placed the rose on her casket, before she was lowered;
and buried.

Tears of good-bye fell from his eyes;
and in the sky, she flew whispering her goodbyes too.